Take 5
The Five Steps to Wellbeing
The 5 Steps to Wellbeing is a set of practical messages aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of everyone.
It is important to raise awareness of health and wellbeing and engage in a range of activities that will help everyone now and throughout their lives. TAKE 5 also complements the EA’s new Health and Well Being Strategy launched in 2020. The key themes of promoting, education and supporting Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, Social Health, Giving Back and Financial Wellbeing. Developing the 5 steps to well-being will support everyone in recognising stress and anxiety and strategies to overcome it.
In June 2023 Derrychrin PS were awarded the Level One accreditation as a TAKE 5 School. The accreditation is in recognition of the beginning of our TAKE 5 journey and the school's development as a TAKE 5 School with various well-being initiatives delivered this year.
Mrs. McGuckin and Mr. McElroy attended a TAKE 5 School Celebration Event along with many other Primary and Post-Primary schools celebrating all the hard work and achievements as TAKE 5 Schools.
Chris Lindsay from the Education Authority has also delivered staff training 'TAKE 5 – STEPS TO WELL-BEING' and assisted in Derrychrin on our TAKE 5 journey.
As a school, we continue to develop pupil awareness of CLANG and the TAKE 5 steps to wellbeing to help identify opportunities to promote wellbeing, not only with the pupils, but also with staff, parents and the wider school community.